Report Execution ================ How does it work? ----------------- Reports are generated when we execute a Notebook Template. They follow this simple workflow: 1. Find the Notebook Template .py file on disk. 2. Convert the Notebook Template to .ipynb using Jupytext. 3. Execute the Notebook using Papermill using parameters, if provided. (NB: This executes using the `notebooker_kernel` kernel) 4. The result is converted to .html using `nbconvert` 5. (Optional) The result is converted to PDF 6. (Optional) Results are sent to the provided email address(es) 7. Results are saved into mongo with `status=NotebookResultComplete` Executing a Notebook -------------------- There are two primary ways to do this: either through the webapp or through the entrypoint. Both of these methods will rely on a `notebooker_kernel` being available in the current ipykernel environment. For more information on the entrypoint, please run: `notebooker-cli execute-notebook --help` Technologies ------------ Notebooker leverages multiple open-source technologies but in particular, it heavily makes use of some awesome projects which deserve special attention: * `Jupytext `_ * `papermill `_ * `nbconvert `_ * `flask `_